Remote employee training gained momentum when COVID-19 hit. Today, we have overcome the disease. Yet, the habit of working from home remains. Various companies, organizations, and businesses switched to remote and won’t return to offline work. A hybrid model that implies a combination of online and offline working while solving some issues still doesn’t help with the onboarding and training of remote employees.

Guide On Managing Remote Employees Training

Workers worldwide desire to work from home. Companies need to develop practical training at home to work-at-home courses to ensure the productivity of their employees.

1. Start with a training plan

No one knows better what kind of company you run and what special requirements you set for your employees. No one better than you can design a training program and plan.

2. Choose the right tools

After creating a plan, the next step is to choose the right tools for the remote training of your workers. A learning management system is the main base of your workout. You can develop a great course, but it won’t do any good if you can’t deliver it to your employee.

3. Learning materials

After selecting a proper LMS and evaluating its tools for remote training, you can create adapted courses for your employees. Pay special attention to the engagement level and usefulness of your learning materials.

4. Control

Results tracking is an essential part of any learning management. Tracking workers’ results helps monitor their productivity and answers the question of how to keep remote workers engaged.

How To Train Remote Employees Effectively: Tips

While details of arranging practical and interactive employment training depend on the industry, there are general tips suitable for setting practical remote employee training.


Pairing employees with mentors helps a great deal to improve their learning results. Learners can ask their mentors questions saving time and getting insights Into the real working environment. Plus, a great mentor can be a role model facilitating specific behavioral and working patterns.

Try new training methods

An effective way to develop valuable and interactive employment training is to try new training formats continuously. Some methods may not work for your business, while work great for others. Try new techniques, compare results with previous data, and select the best practices.

Screentime does not equal productivity

Too often, companies estimate productivity by monitoring screen time. Spending time in front of the screen doesn’t equal being productive. Instead, track goals and other metrics – clear indicators of how workers learn and improve their performance.

Remote Training Best Practices

Consider industrial differences and that one solution works great for some businesses while others don’t. So, we focus on comprehensible and flexible training ideas for remote employees that may come in handy for your business or organization.

1. On-demand

Remember, you pay your employees for productivity. Every training should deliver positive results for your business. Wasting your employees’ time on irrelevant training is irresponsible. Instead, ensure that your training is relevant and comes on demand.

2. Support of mobile devices

Make sure that your LMS supports mobile devices. For example, Academy Ocean pays special attention to making its platform accessible from any device. It allows workers to search for the necessary information quickly.

3. Microlearning

Building a massive course is fantastic, but don’t forget small pieces of information as they prove helpful in so-called “working remotely training cases.” Workers may not have the time to learn information from massive materials.