Tally ERP 9 shortcut keys
The use of these shortcut keys can save you time and also it will improve your productivity. By learning the most commonly used Tally shortcut keys for ERP 9, users can streamline their workflow and perform their tasks more quickly and accurately.
These are a few essential Tally Shortkeys that you need to know:
ALT + 2 – To duplicate a voucher
ALT + A – To add a voucher
ALT + C – To create a master at a voucher screen
ALT + D – To delete a voucher
ALT + E – To export the report in ASCII, Excel, HTML, OR XML format
ALT + I – To insert a voucher
ALT + G – To select the language configuration
ALT + K – To select the keyboard configuration
ALT + O – To upload the report at your website
ALT + G – To select a language for TALLY.ERP 9 Interface
ALT + M – To Email the report
ALT + N – To view the report in automatic columns
ALT + P – To print the report
ALT + R – To repeat the narration in different voucher type
ALT + S – To bring back a line you have removed using ALT + R
ALT + U – To retrieve the last line which is deleted using Alt + R
ALT+ V – From Invoice screen to bring Stock Journal screen
ALT + X – To cancel a voucher in Day Book/List of Vouchers
ALT + R – To repeat the narration in different voucher type
CTRL + A – To accept a form
CTRL + B – To select the Budget
CTRL + ALT + B – To check the Company’s Statutory details
CTRL + C – To select the Cost Centre
CTRL+ E – To select the Currencies
CTRL + G – To select the Group
CTRL + H – To view the Support Centre
CTRL + I – To select the Stock Items
Ctrl + Alt + I – To import statutory masters
CTRL + K – To log in as a Remote Tally.NET User
CTRL + L – To select the Ledger
CTRL + O – To select the Godowns
CTRL + Q – To abandon a form
CTRL + R – To repeat narration in the same voucher type
CTRL + S – Allows you to alter Stock Item master
CTRL + U – To select the Units
CTRL + V – To select the Voucher Types
CTRL + K – To login to Control Centre
CTRL + H – To access the Support Centre
Alt + Enter – To view the Voucher display